
Polite Teacher

March 22, 2024
Polite Teacher

“Polite Teacher” receives recognition from Meta/Facebook AI Research

We are pleased to announce that the research paper “Polite Teacher”, in which a member of Perelyn was significantly involved, was cited by Meta/Facebook AI Research!

Dominik Filipiak, our expert in computer vision, led the research together with Andrzej Zapała, Piotr Tempczyk, Anna Fensel and Marek Cygan. They represent AI Clearing, the University of Innsbruck, the University of Warsaw and other institutions. Her work was recently published in IEEE Access, which is a great success!

The research was considered state-of-the-art in the research paper”Guided Distillation for Semi-Supervised Instance Segmentation“, written by Meta AI Research & Inria Team - Tariq Berrada, Camille Couprie, Karteek Alahari and Jakob Verbeek, quoted. Her work was also presented at the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Computer Vision Applications (WACV) in January 2024. This quote serves as proof of the high level of expertise offered in “Polite Teacher”.

We congratulate Dominik and his team on this success and are looking forward to further innovative breakthroughs in AI and computer vision!

You can read Polite Teacher here: link

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