
Generative AI study

April 12, 2024
Generative AI study

Horizont magazine highlights our study on generative AI

We are pleased to announce that Horizont Magazine has highlighted our study on generative artificial intelligence (AI), carried out in cooperation with Stuttgart Media University and supported by the Federal Association of Digital Economy (BVDW). The results shed light on the crucial role of generative AI for business success and innovations in various industries.

Key findings of the study:
  • A full 96 percent of decision makers see a positive impact of generative AI on their business success.
  • 64 percent of respondents state that generative AI plays a central role in their overall strategy.
  • Generative AI is primarily used in content creation, with 97 percent of users using it for text production and 69 percent for creating visual content.
  • 73 percent of companies offer AI training, and 63 percent comply with ethical guidelines when dealing with AI.

These results not only confirm the transformative power of generative AI, but also Perelyn's leading role in its practical application. We offer tailor-made solutions that enable companies to operate in a future-oriented manner.

For more information and insights, read the full article in Horizont magazine. The study is located on the BVDW site.

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